Welcome to our collaboration page!
STEPOUTANDEXPLORE team have been cycling from Canada to Argentina since May 2017. Luba, Tom, Phoebe and Lolo are the human and doggie adventurers behind this website and you can find more info here.

Our blog has been steadily growing, the number of unique visitors in 2018 grew 2,5 times in comparison to 2017. Our readers are cycle tourists, dog lovers, travellers in general and people who want to get inspired or seek advice. They come from 105 countries. We keep our social media accounts busy too, updating our followers on facebook and instagram about our journey daily.
We like working together with brands that align with our views and passions. Bicycle tourism, pet travel, sustainable lifestyle, veganism, photography and videography and outdoors life are all the topics we’re interested in. If your brand falls in and you think we are a good match, please reach out and we can talk. We are happy to send you our updated media kit.
We are also open to photography and videography work. Contact us to discuss further details.
Who do we work with?
Working with the Step Out and Explore pack has been easy and productive for us. The quality of the content they produce is superb and they are always very accessible even when out cycling through the wilds! And, most importantly, their posts are among our most tagged and shared.” Greg Stone, Ruff on the Road
“Pri spolupráci so Stepoutandexplore na kampani pre klienta Allianz sme boli veľmi spokojní s komunikáciou, ktorá bola na vysokej úrovni a taktiež aj s vyprodukovaným materiálom, ktorý si chválil aj samotný klient.” Kamil Šlosár, Daybyme.com
(Working together with Stepoutandexplore for the Allianz campaign, we were very happy with communication that was at high level as well as with the final product, which was also praised by the client himself.)
“Děkuji Lubě a Tomášovi za naši perfektní dosavadní spolupráci. Jejich přístup je profesionální a já vím, že se na ně můžu kdykoliv bez obav obrátit. Příkladem budiž nedávno zorganizovaná soutěž o naše produkty na jejich instagramovém profilu, která zafungovala naprosto bezchybně.” Katka Sechovcová, HUSKY
(I thank Luba and Tom for our perfect collaboration so far. Their attitude is professional and I know I can always approach them with no doubt anytime again. One example could be a recently organised Instagram competition for our products on their profile that has worked flawlessly.)